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259 South Street, Cleveland, QLD 4163

Custom 12 Volt / 24Volt DC Refrigeration Systems


Custom 12 Volt / 24 Volt Refreigeration

Freezetec custom manufacture 12 volt /24 volt dc systems as refrigerators or freezers for boats and other marine vessels. Located near Brisbane Bayside and Redlands and travel down to the Gold Coast City Marina and Coomera Boat Works.

The insulated box can be custom manufactured to suit your specific needs or we can manufacture the system to suit your existing insulated box.


Freezetec utilize the latest advanced compressor design from Secop (formerly Danfoss), and coupled with the highest quality components, manufacture a complete condensing set. The components are mounted on a poly base with stainless steel fixings and the unit is finished in a high quality 2 pack polyurethane enamel where applicable.

Compressor / Condensor Units

We also offer pre-made off the shelf compressor/condenser units. These systems are available from Dometic Waeco or NovaKool. Matching pre-made evaporator plates or fan forced evaporators are also available. Alternately, custom made plates can be manufactured to suit your requirements.

Fast Freeze Plates

Freezetec custom manufacture their Fast Freeze plates to suit the specific insulated box. Freezetec’s Fast Freeze plates are not a one size fits all type and do not bend. The double sided plates are manufactured from 1.6 mm marine grade aluminium and internally wound in refrigeration grade copper tube. The plates are injected with a thermo conductive paste to ensure maximum contact and heat exchange.

Having a sharp bottle lid or fish spine puncture the plate is no longer a problem when a Freezetec Fast Freeze plate is fitted. Hitting a Freezetec Fast Freeze plate with a hammer may upset the good looks of the plate, but you can be sure that it would keep operating.

Contact Us

Contact us today for more information on our custom 12 volt and 24 volt marine fridges and freezers. Or check out our range of 12v fridges for boats and our 12v fridge kits.



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